Rabu, 01 April 2009

what the dormouse said

Apparently at some point the dormouse said, "Hey, Grace Slick! Why don't you take up painting and do a lot of Alice in Wonderland characters, including me?" Yes, the same Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane/Starship (select latter according to your level of music history puritanism or plain old chronological age). She retired from singing in 1989 and immediately took up painting.

The SPS Limelight Agency specializes in the artwork created by - or of - celebrities, carrying Mickey Hart, Ringo Starr, and Ronnie Wood, among others.

Grace's work is structured with areas of flat bright color, and is firmly in the cute and whimsical category. Here's some I find really appealing: Don Blanco is humorous and becomes a dapper part of his Southwestern landscape; Carrots engages you in a bit of a standoff with the veggie-grabbing bunny; Self Esteem has an elegance in its execution that doesn't preclude a smile.

You can see all her Wonderland works here.

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