Minggu, 26 April 2009

Spotting Signs of Animal Abuse

I came across this article and was intrigued. Often times you don't think of the fact that animals can and are being abused in some instances. Although the abuse is hard to spot, this article The Pet Place Website outlines the spectrum of abuse in animals.

Although the non-pet loves may wonder why it is such a big deal (are there really non pet lovers?), there is reason to be concerned....Animal abuse is often a stepping stone to violence toward people. Studies show that those who were cruel toward animals as children are drastically more likely to commit violent crimes toward people.

Not only does animal abuse sound an alarm regarding a child's violent tendencies, an abused pet should also be a red flag for child and domestic abuse. In a home where pets are mistreated, there are often people who are being physically and emotionally harmed.

Therefore, not only should their be concern about the pets being abused, but also about the people living in the house with the pets.

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