I couldn't find a place to submit my comment on i-pets.com so I found your blog which I enjoy and now follow! Anyway, I wanted to send you some positive feedback before my 2nd order!
I wasn't sure if your site was legit and wondered how you could afford to have them so cheap for 10 POUNDS when i was paying the same amount for just 8 to 10 single rolls at the store. I gave it a try and a few days later a big box came in the mail! a huge bag of retriever rolls was inside and Ginger immediately knew what they were! I gave her one and she quickly gobbled it up.
I just wanted to comment because I know I was leery to order and would have enjoyed a personal reference.
Thank you i-pets! I will be ordering from you every few months for as long as you keep offering such great deals and will pass on your information to all my family and friends with pets!
Thanks for letting me share! Here is Ginger to say Thank you, too,
Thank you, Elizabeth!
We are always thrilled to hear from a happy i-pets.com customer. Your good reference is what keeps us in business! Instead of spending our profits on expensive, flashy, advertising, we just keep our prices as low as possible and our shipping at a flat $6.00.
And Ginger,
We're glad you liked your treats. Tell all your friends.
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