Selasa, 14 April 2009

Woman loses bid to keep 18 dogs

This has been an ongoing dispute in Connecticut. Below is the latest news regarding the fight....I'll say this, although I don't there there are 18 of any type of pets I'd want to own besides maybe fish, these dogs are still her "kids," and she has been taking great care of the pets.

West Hartford (AP) - Connecticut's second-highest court has ruled that a West Hartford woman cannot keep her 18 dogs at her home because of town zoning regulations.

The Appellate Court says Faith Kilburn has to comply with West Hartford officials' orders to reduce the number of dogs at her home to three.

Kilburn had 22 Shih Tzus at her home when she began fighting the town's order in court in late 2006, but four have since died.

Kilburn's lawyer, Danielle Omasta, says Kilburn is very disappointed with the court's decision and is deciding whether to take more legal action. Omasta says her client is very attached to the dogs.

The Appellate Court said having that many dogs at a home is not appropriate for the neighborhood and violates local zoning regulations.

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