Rabu, 01 April 2009

My Least Favorite "Holiday"

Am I the only one who hates April Fools Day? I don't mind the annoying jokes or the playful pranks, but what I hate the most are the fake articles and posts around the internet. One in particular started a heated exchange at work, until we realized it was most likely a joke.

The article talked about genetically altering a kitten, so that it remains a kitten forever. And since so many people love kittens, why not keep them that way forever? Although it appears to be a fake article, it does make you wonder...does science have the tools to create something like that?

I remember when the "glow" fish was being genetically altered, and what a huge debate it became. And although I still don't agree with it, the debates have been downplayed as of late, with more and more stores offering these genetically altered danio tetra fish for sale.

So, do we somehow start to become immune after a while? And does that make these controversial altering ok?

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