Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

lapland dogs

Image: thanks, Wikipedia Commons.

Every winter I find myself thinking what it would be like to live in the cold all the time. These folks are Saami, or Laplanders, in a photo taken around 1900-1920; the Wiki info listed the location as "Norway Sweden" - ? Normally they are concentrated in Finland. They herd reindeer, and use sleds pulled by dogs of a breed called the Finnish Lapphund. I'm very pleased to have found some featured so prominaently in this photo! A very old breed, these dogs have been domesticated for a long part of human time.

Speaking of domesticated, a nickel if you can spot the nice cup and saucer being held by a person in this photo. This reminds us all that civilization doesn't always have to stay put to be valid. People who rely heavily upon each other in their constant transit must require some very fine points of ethics and behavior.

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