Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

cats in world affairs?

Your friendly, very busy Curator is very behind on her visits to friends' blogs. I sure miss seeing what is up with you all and hope to catch up sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, here on my lunch hour, I thought about "cats in politics" for some reason and went looking for some. By sheer serendipity I found the Cat Topics section of Sheppard Software's page, which includes, yes, Cats in World Affairs. There's not a lot there, though I didn't know that cats have lived at the British Prime Minister's house since maybe Henry VIII's time. But the other pages you will see off to the left - things like Cat Heroes, Cat Mythology, Petting and the Tail - are similarly jolly and colorful, and have some illustrations I've never seen before. I liked them. I think you will too.

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