Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

happy 2009! some posts i loved most

Yay! I certainly hope things get better for us all this year!

You know how the New Year usually brings out the whole "Best Of" thing? Well I'm not going to do THAT, but I did want to take a look back at a handful of posts close to my heart and sometimes funnybone.

There was The Amazing Skidboot, one of the most gifted dogs ever. I can't forget the gorgeous, scary mechanical tiger Shiva. And I still love those rabbits in Crispypaintings. Speaking of which, I can never forget that "that's rabbit's dynamite."

Do you remember the Italian skunks? Or the Aussie horse Bazzy Boy, who made me laugh out loud? I recall the good lessons learned from Dahni, the blind kitten. I wanted to include Sebastian the handicapped duck, but the link is gone - she (yes) left this life, and here's her YouTube memorial.

You know, when I think about "my favorite post," the one I always go back to is the cat in a knit squid hat. The concept was sheer surrealism.

That's enough now. . . More champagne (nip? bones?) for us all!

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