Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

a buddhist tale: the dog king silver

A fable of wisdom overcoming prejudice toward the less fortunate, The Dog King Silver tells the story of how street dogs in Benares are saved from false accusation when a fine chariot's leather trappings are devoured. The King of Benares, in a rage, orders all dogs to be killed; the Dog King Silver learns of this and decides to seek justice:
Before setting out, he went to a different part of the cemetery to be alone. Having practiced goodness all his life, and trained his mind, he now concentrated very hard and filled his mind with feelings of loving-kindness. He thought, "May all dogs be well and happy, and may all dogs be safe. I go to the palace for the sake of dogs and men alike. No one shall attack or harm me."

Then the Dog King Silver began walking slowly through the streets of Benares. Because his mind was focused, he had no fear. Because of his long life of goodness, he walked with a calm dignity that demanded respect. And because of the warm glow of loving-kindness that all the people sensed, no one felt the rising of anger or any intention to harm him. Instead, they marvelled as the Great Being passed, and wondered how it could be so!

A serene tale of a lesson we all must learn - read it all here.

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