Minggu, 28 September 2008

Top 10 Reasons Cats See Vet

Knowing the most common reasons cats got the vet is important in developing a preventative health plan for your cat.

Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) recently analyzed its medical claims received in 2007 to determine the top 10 most commonly claimed conditions for cats. In fact, they found that the top 10 conditions accounted for about 25 percent of all medical claims received last year.

Most Common Cat Claims/Conditions

1. Urinary Tract Infections
2. Gastritis/Vomiting
3. Chronic Renal Failure
4. Enteritis/Diarrhea
5. Diabetes Mellitus
6. Skin Allergies
7. Colitis/Constipation
8. Ear Infections
9. Respiratory Infections
10. Hyperthyroidism

An interesting change in the top 10 list was that feline enteritis (diarrhea) went from #16 in 2006 to #4 in 2007. Diarrhea can be caused by stress, diet changes, intestinal obstruction, parasites or infections. The most common cause is dietary changes. Also, VPI commented that it is possible that the gastrointestinal related claims were up this year perhaps due to the pet food recall.

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