Kamis, 04 September 2008

The Perfect Cat Match?

The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has a unique adoption program designed to make the "perfect match" between people and cats up for adoption.

Cats are evaluated on their interest in play, communication, curiosity, and their desire to be noticed and attended to. From these evaluations, the nine possible feline-alities are categorized into one of three-color groups, designed to help an adopter easily find a good match.

The three-color groups include green, orange, and purple.

1. Green cats are considered "Party Animals", "MVPs", or "Leaders of the Band".
2. Orange cats are "Sidekicks", "Executives", or "Personal Assistants".
3. Purple cats are "Love Bugs", "Secret Admirers", and "Private Investigators".

This program assesses the behavior patterns and personality of shelter animals and the character, lifestyle, and pet expectations of potential adopters. That information is used to connect life-long friends.

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