Jumat, 26 September 2008


Congrats to our entry from http://ananimalloversblog.blogspot.com
She's the winner! The marketing partners of this product may have more for me to giveaway in the future, so I"ll keep everyone posted.

The makers of Feliway are giving away a bottle of their spray ($25) Value to one of Pet Haven's lucky readers. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment with some type of contact information (email or website, so I can contact you if you win).

Contes is open through Thursday, September 25th. Each comment will be assigned a number and the winner with be drawn using a random number generator.

Here is some information Feliway from the manufacturer:

With over 88 million cats owned in the U.S1 and 71 percent living in a multi-cat home, behavioral problems and co-existing can present challenges for cat owners. Feliway® is a synthetic pheromone developed solely for cats that offers a safe and natural solution to managing stress related problems.
This innovative product works by mimicking a cat’s natural facial pheromones to help reduce stress and allows our furry feline friends to reside in purr-fect harmony.

• Completely undetectable by humans.
• Feliway has proven to reduce urine marking and scratching by 96 percent2.
• Ideal for multi-cat households, a Feliway Diffuser reduces urine spraying by 70 percent in one month in homes with more than one cat.
• Feliway reduces negative behaviors in cats brought on by social and environmental disruptions, such as multi-cat homes, hospitalization, relocation, new arrivals and when transporting, helping it to accept environmental changes.

• Feliway® Spray -- a 75 ml spray bottle that is applied directly on surfaces the cat is marking.
• Feliway spray can be used in addition with the Feliway Diffuser for urine spraying or scratching.
• Suggested retail price: $25.

Product Availability: Available at veterinary clinics.

More Information for Vets and Cat Owners: Call toll free (800) 276-8197 to speak with a live veterinary technician who can answer questions about Feliway, or go to www.feliway-us.com.

Note: All claims are from the maker of the product and the Pet Haven does not have any involement other then this giveaway.

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