Senin, 29 September 2008

Pet Haven Giveaway - $40 Value!

Do you take video with your point and shoot digital camera? If so, it could win you over $10,000 in the SanDisk YouTube Video Contest.

The folks that run the contest want to make it even easier for you to enter, so they are providing me with some camera disks to giveaway. They aren't just any old disks, they are 4GB SD cards valued at $32-$40 retail!

If you want to enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with some type of contact info (website, email, whatever, as long as I can find you). Each comment will be assigned a number (first comment is number 1, etc.) Winners will be drawn via a random number generator. I'll contact the winners and the disk will be mailed to you. Don't worry, the addresses won't be sold to anyone. The Pet Haven contest goes through the end of September, while the SanDisk contest will be avaialable through November.

I have several disks to giveaway, so tell all our friends about contest!

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