Senin, 29 September 2008

Difference Between Stray & Feral Cat?

Often you hear the terms stray and feral when referring to cats. But is there a difference. Actually, there is:

A feral cat is one that has had little or no human contact and is usually unapproachable by people. These felines differ from housecats who are allowed to visit the outdoor environment, as well as from those stray cats that once had owners and were abandoned or became lost. They have been born into or adapted to outdoor life without human contact, living together in loose families organized as colonies, and can do well in urban as well as rural areas.

In either situation, be careful before taking any stray or feral cats in your home. Leaving food out for them could also lead to other wildlife showing up on your door step eating the food. The best way is to call your local animal control office for help, as some states have laws regarding treatment of these cats.

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