Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Over Feeding Fish Could Lead to Problems

Fish always see hungry in a home aquarium. They are always going to the top of the tank whenever you walk by, hoping you'll drop some goodies in the tank. But when it comes to fish feeding, overfeeding is one of the hardest mistakes to avoid.

It can be directly harmful to both the health of the fish and the quality of their water. All that uneaten food will be broken down into ammonia and nitrite, both of which are extremely toxic to fish. As uneaten food decays, it can also cause a variety of other problems, including cloudy water, algae blooms, in addition to low PH and low oxygen levels in the tank.

Poor water quality leads to poor fish health. There is always debate as to how often to feed your fish. Some people suggest 2 or 3 small meals a day, while others suggest once a day is fine. A lot of times it also depends on the type of fish. Regardless of how often, always feed your fish about as much as they will consume in about 2 - 3 minutes. Any more could lead to problems.

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