Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

The Disease Giardiasis in Dogs

Giardiasis could be happen in the dogs anytime. Actually it is an infection of Giardia that is why we can call the disease 'Giardiasis'. What is Giardia? it is actually a one cell parasite that is protozoa. There is several way that a dog could be infected.

Way of Infections:
Primarily, this could be happen through drinking water that are infected already. The dogs that are infected already, can passover the parasite by their stools. If the other dogs comes closer to this stool, could be easily infected.

How do you recognize?
Here are following symptoms could be noticed if your dog gets attacked.

  • Improper digestion
  • Loosing weights
  • Very lethargic
  • And serious diarrhea
For proper diagnosis you or your vet should take the sample of the dog's stool. The vet can test the blood sample of your dog if required.

There are many medication that are suitable for this disease. It will better if you take an advice from a vet

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