Senin, 13 Juli 2009

artist: sarah cloutier

Image copyright Sarah Cloutier, 2007.

Once when we were in Florence during the summer months we walked out from the city center, further than we usually do. We found ourselves in a quiet residential block of gray stone buildings and a greenish-gray, dusty park. The park's trees were large and gently sheltering - I think they were umbrella pines, though I can't swear to that - and along the wide paths elderly gentlemen in black slowly walked little dogs in the warm afternoon.

And that's what I vividly remembered when I came upon this serene painting by Sarah Cloutier, "Dog Walking." You may enjoy her other work too at her DeviantArt webpage.

Note: The Curator is disgusted with herself to have at first given the name incorrectly as "Susan." Do please look for the artist as Sarah.

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