Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Know about Lyme disease

Lyme disease has been recently discovered in north and as well as western United States of America. So we can say it is just a new disease for dogs. The alarming features of this disease is that the disease could be transmitted from dogs to human body quit easily.

Infection Type:
The white tailed deer and white footed mice hosts this disease primarily. When the mice or deer are in the wood or plants area, the tick will attached himself to the body part of the hosts. And they can't fly or jump out. So they were waiting for some one carry out from one place to another.

Type of Attack of Ticks:
A tick can attack everywhere of body parts of a dog. It can attach ear, neck, head etc. A tick attack not a painful one but just like a bee sting. And you can not see any distress among the dogs if they infected.

How do you know?
It is very hard to notice such symptoms for this disease. So you have to check the byte areas of your dogs time to time and definitely have to take care of this. But some symptoms would be : pain, temperature and joint swelling.

Proper Treatment would be?
If you have spotted this disease into your dog, then don't waste your time to take your pet to a vet. Advantage stage of this disease could make your dog paralyzed. The serious result of this disease could be chest muscle attack, front and back limb attack. This infection could be transmitted to you if you waste your time to take hem to a vet.

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