Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

vintage photo time: merry christmas from the pet museum!

thanks again ampersand
You couldn't help it, you smiled. I know. Me too.
Notice how there's an axis of fabulosity drop dead center of this shot: the most lavish use of tinsel I have ever witnessed on a tree, a fine-looking young man, and a tousled brown Peke-ish doggie. Everything else in the shot is that beige domestic 50s/60s typical (if this was developed in 1964, this must be Christmas '63, and I can't date that couch to the left with pinpoint accuracy).
But that tree and those two?
There's generosity there: look at all that tinsel.
There's happiness there: that boy's open, friendly look, I want to think, comes from a cheerful spirit surrounded by a home to match.
And there's trust there: the dog is fine being gently held for the photo, but also wants to come see what the photographer is doing, and is sure of welcome either way.
What better way to say to all the Museum's friends,
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for coming by all year.
May you all be surrounded
by happiness and comfort for the season.

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