Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

a jolly dog for decoration

attribution: By MOs810 (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons

Everything outside is white because we had an ice storm overnight. That's why this image attracts me this morning. I thought I'd find some artwork of dogs in the snow, but instead I found this cute fellow sculpted in white stone bas-relief, and he cheered me up. He's found at a building on Wyspianskiego Street, Poznan, in Poland. I wish I knew more about this relief: is it late 19th-c Arts and Crafts? (Could be, with those wacky acanthus-type leaves.) Is it a modern fake-medieval? Possible. Or earlier? But what really matters is how this chubby, stumpy little fellow seems so active and three-dimensional in his lush little rectangle.
Poznan sounds like a fun place, by the way.

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