Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

good toy: a raspberry kat

I first spotted them at the Ballard Farmers' Market: sitting comfortably among fellow plushy critters were a handful of pleasingly proportioned cats. Or "kats." The booth's owner, Wendy Norrell, loves to make soft toys, and her online shop AdorableSeattle gives a tiny taste of that. She also creates bunnies, monkeys, and some pretty spectacular toy salmon.

But I have to say, the kats are my favorite. From their perfectly curved ears to their cloverleaf 3-toed feet, the kats just invite contemplation and cuddling. They are jolly to hold, harmonious to behold and cute no matter what you do with them.

I got my niece one for her birthday, so here's an AdorableSeattle kat in action. This is a great example of cats inspiring a fun, well-designed, hip toy (they're made of new fleece from recycled plastic bottles!).

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