Selasa, 06 Juli 2010 the pet museum chooses best friends

Way out in Kanab, Utah, there are people with a vision and a mission:

a better world through kindness to animals,

and No More Homeless Pets.

Can they do it? They ARE doing it, one pet at a time and with lots of friends across the nation. But then, that's what you expect from a place called Best Friends Animal Society. That's why they are my favorite pick for Great's 2010 Animal Welfare Campaign this July, highlighting the many nonprofit organizations working in the animal welfare area.

Those of you who are long time Museum patrons know that I have been a big fan of Best Friends for pretty much ever. You'll see why when you arrive at their site - so much helpful information, stories with mostly happy endings, and even a magazine. (The most recent issue has an article on successful efforts to change the life of dancing bears in India.) And it's very easy to find your favorite way to support them.

I'd like to thank Great for inviting me to be part of their campaign this year.

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