Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

g. k. chesterton on dogs

Writer G. K. Chesterton (English, 1874-1936) was known not only for the sheer output and excellence of his work, but for his nimble ability to make a point by looking at it from an opposing viewpoint. You can get a concise glimpse at that in Wikipedia's Chesterton article. His poem honoring his dog Quoodle, The Song of Quoodle, is his best known and loved pet-themed piece. Today, though, I offer you a chance to try him through his short essay "Dogs."

"I have always imagined myself to be a lover of all animals," he begins, "because I have never met any animal that I definitely disliked. Most people draw the line somewhere. Lord Roberts disliked cats; the best woman I know objects to spiders; a Theosophist I know protects, but detests, mice; and many leading humanitarians have an objection to human beings." (Well, that's true, I think.) Chesterton goes on to declare his thoughts on animal rights and evolution while painting a snug word picture of a man and his dog sleepily concluding the day, all in 5 short paragraphs.

Read it here.

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