Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Pet Awareness Month

October is National Pet Wellness Month (http://www.npwm.com). SeaYu Enterprises has just sent me some surveys they did of customers to find out what matters most about pet wellness.

Pet owners in the survey consider nutrition to be the most important aspect of their pet’s wellness (60%) followed by affection/play (17%) and disease prevention (11%). An overwhelming majority – 94% - said they were concerned with the negative effects traditional cleaning products have on their pet’s health. With good reason - according to the Environmental Protection Association (EPA), typical household cleaning products and air fresheners are one of the leading contributors to poor indoor air quality. The agency reports that poor indoor air quality can lead to health issues; animals have faster metabolisms and smaller lungs than humans, and not only are they processing these chemicals at a faster rate, they are also breathing them in more rapidly. Because animals are closer to the ground, they are more often in direct contact with these harmful substances.

In the SeaYu pet owner survey, about half of the respondents reported that “smell” was their biggest pet cleanup issue.

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