Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

dogs with what it takes

(Note: Thanks for the good wishes folks! I look forward to being healthy again. Not exactly yet though)

If you've been a Museum member for a while, you probably recall that I am a big fan of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation and have been since 9/11. Did you know that the dogs would get so sad finding no survivors that volunteers would hide in the wreckage pretending to be victims? Then the dogs would find someone alive and be happy that they had done a good job.

A dog needs a very particular set of gifts to be a good rescue dog. Today in my email I received the stories of two new champs: Riley of Santa Barbara, and Rex of Long Beach. I hope you'll take a look at their stories and at the NDSDF website as a whole. This is an interesting and worthy look at how humans and dogs team together to use what they do best for a most important task.

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