Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Hypoadrenocorticism - A Disease in Dogs

Hypoadrenocorticism is a kind of disease that could be seen among dogs. This type of disease is a rare but serious one. If you can not take a good care, treatment, then this disease could be the cause of your dog's death.

This disease happens with dogs as underproduction of hormones in adrenal glands. The question is why this is happens? There would be the some reasons definitely, discussed below:

We can say there are two main reasons for that disease: Pituitary gland does not work properly and immunity system is damaged and as a result of it - raise problems for adrenal glands. Hypoadrenocorticism develops as pituitary glands does not secrete the proper amount of hormones.

What is the symptoms?
This disease is common one in humans and the symptoms shown is quit similar to just like among human. It is slow starter disease for both human and dogs and the symptoms does not appear at the beginning. Symptoms will appear as the disease progress. But some common symptoms are given below:
  • Feeling weak
  • Vomiting
  • Loosing hair
  • And diarrhea also
As we are all aware of that the diarrhea and vomiting would be the cause of serious dehydration -so we have be careful of that. Other symptoms are like abdominal pains and even blood in its stool.

Maintain a diagnosis :
It is very hard to keep the proper diagnose of this disease as this symptoms are very common with the symptoms that could seen for kidney failure. To get sure of that disease, some veterinarians injects pituitary hormone to see the response from the glands. If there is no response, then they get sure of that disease.

How To Give Proper Treatment?
As I discussed above that this disease appears for underproduction of hormones. So treatment for that has to injects hormones with right quantity. You can give him some hormones supplements to help the gland.

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