Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Dogs May Need Diets, Too

Tip from Dogage.com

You've no doubt heard about the human obesity epidemic, but did you know that pets have practically caught up with us? Check out this startling statistic: up to 40% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. And as a result, there is a government-approved "fat drug" for our four-legged friends.

But before asking about a prescription for your portly pooch, get your dog on a diet and exercise plan. Not only will this help Rex with his weight loss, but it could help you trim down, too.

Case in point: Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago rounded up 36 obese or overweight people who owned dogs that were obese and put the people and their pups on lower-calorie diets. The researchers also advised owners to get 20–30 minutes of daily exercise. The pup owners exercised more compared with overweight or obese adults who did not own dogs. And because they spent much of their time exercising with their dogs, the pets really ended up dropping the pounds. In fact, most lost about 15% of their body weight!

So do yourself and your dog a favor by staying active and eating healthfully. Both are vital for your -- and your pet's -- long-term health and happiness.

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