Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

"white cat" by artist hazel fisher

"White Cat" by haz-elf on deviantART with thanks to the artist

(click on link for her deviantArt gallery)

British artist Hazel Fisher created this classic portrait in 2008, using Quink (a brand of ink). I was drawn to the clean quality of the light, as well as how perfectly she caught the little hairs that pop up around the edge of a balled-up cat. Sally's hair used to do that, a perfect fringe of black - so how much am I impressed by the challenge of portraying a white cat? A lot. But then, as she says, "Detail is important to me in both the careful planning of my ideas and in the visual outcome."

Fisher also creates playful and imaginative images, as you'll see on her website - look at the "Hexley" section in particular.

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