Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

o sole meow! pets at the opera

My alert crack local reporter Doug (hey thanks Doug!) sent me a clipping from the Portland Oregonian which I cannot wait to share with you all. As many of you stateside Museum friends head back to work this AM (I know, me too), think with gentle envy of the folks behind the scenes at the Portland Opera.

13 years ago, a little cat down on her luck hooked up with one of the Opera's seamstresses. Christened "Nerissa," she began coming along to work and, you know, helping. And as it turns out, her presence made such a positive impact on the office's mood that management decided other pets should come along and help, too. When you think of how many furry friends over the centuries have aided in the creation of art of all kinds, it makes perfect sense.

The original story at the Oregonian site here, and a video in which you may see the lovely Nerissa here.

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