Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

kingsford, and other pig fascination

By now I'm sure most everybody has seen the delightful video of Kingsford, an Australian feral piglet of tiny size and big personality who seems to spend his time napping, beach scampering, and generally being clever and dainty. What? You haven't? Go here and prepare to crave a pet piglet.

My goal this morning was to bring you a bit more on Kingsford's breed of pig. While I didn't find that, I did find what I'm sure is the greatest website ever on rare-breed pigs: Professor Bamfield's Rare-Breed Pigs, a treasury of pig knowledge served up with respect and humor. Did you know there were Three Powerful Swineherds of Britain? That Portuguese pigs don't say "oink" but "roncar"? That in New Guinea, someone who doesn't eat pork is considered a heathen? And that St. Anthony the Great is the patron saint of swineherds?

If you visit the excellent site, you will learn all that and more. Chrum chrum (oink oink in Polish).

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