Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Wet Pet Food Sales Struggle After Recall

According to a recent USA Today article, more then a year after the massive pet food recall, people are still weary of buying wet, or soft, pet food. And, many products have not returned to the shelf.

Personally, I'm not surprised. I boycotted all the foods that were part of the recall, and have not gone back. There really hasn't been any reason to go back. I found a brand that I trust (Wellness) and wasn't part of the recall, and I haven't had a reason to leave them to go back to the brands that have lost our trust. It's all about brand loyalty for me. I found a brand that my dogs like, that is high quality, and good for their allergy issues. Until they give me a reason to stop buying their products, why would I go to a company that showed no care for the pet owners?

Enough of my rant, here is the complete USA Today Article:

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