Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Fish Not Boring

I've heard the familiar response when I tell people I have fish, that fish are boring. For any of us fishkeepers, we know that is far from the truth.

Fish can recognize their caretakers. Maybe not as much as dogs and cats, but fish do come to the front of the tank when their keepers walk by. Naturally, it may have something to do with the fact that the fishkeeper is also the one that feeds the fish, but many of our furry friends are trained with treats and food as well.

There are so many different varieties of fish, that you can put several fish hobbyists in a room, and they'll all have something different that they like to keep. Even the somewhat well known goldfish has a variety of strains, colors, and varieties. And each one has its own unique personality and habits.

Fish, as most pets, aren't without controversy. A few years ago, it was the arguments against genetically engineering a "glowing" strain of danio fish. Recently, the debate has been whether it's human to inject "glass" type of fish (those clear, colorless fish) with a dye to make them more colorful and "appealing" to the fish keeper.

Everyone has different animals and pets that they enjoy caring for, and no matter what your favorite, your pets make great pals. So enjoy caring for them, even if someone thinks your pet is boring.

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