Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Morning Dog

When we got our second dog, I never intended for either one of them to be more attached to either one of us. But it seems each one has taken to the habits of each of their owners.

I'm a morning person, while Mrs. Pet Haven is a night owl. When I'm up early to start a new day, it's usually Kelso who's up and about with me. Sometimes he's awake even before I am. As soon as I'm up, he's right there with me, ready for to play with his toys and do "his business."

Rocco, on the other hand, is the night-time dog. He'll lounge on his bed in the morning while Kelso is up and about. Getting them set for their morning walk, it's Rocco that usually fights me a bit.

At night, however, when Kelso and I are falling asleep in front of the TV, it's Rocco who's running about, looking for food, and trying to play. Of course, my wife gets the full night time responsibility...since it's always my side of the bed that Kelso goes to in the morning when he wants to get up before we do.

Who would have thought that my pets could be a morning dog or a night owl?

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