Kamis, 09 September 2010

i won!

Yes, Susan Faye over at 365 Cat Ladies and Friends drew my name as one of three winners in her recent Go Green Garden Cat Giveaway, and now I have a lovely print of her cat fantasy, Bird Brain No. 4. Drop on by to see the post and an illustration of my prize!

It is very inconvenient to cat-lovers to be also extremely fond of birds. But
things might be worse than they are. Many birds, such as robins and thrushes,
taste bitter, I am told, for which reason cats do not care to eat them. It is
seldom a robin is killed; in the annals of our garden only one case is recorded
in the course of many years, and that was a young robin who ran in front—like
chickens do— of motor-cars.
-- Notes from Nature's Garden, by Frances Anne Bardswell (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., p. 129)

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