Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Puppy Insurance

A puppy is truly a new addition to the family, they are like a baby for many months as they require feeding, toileting and above all plenty of love and attention. Buying a puppy is a very big deal and a decision which should not be taken lightly. Once you have made your mind up and selected the beautiful new puppy from a breeder there are plenty of costs to endure. Food, toys, blankets, a bed, puppy pads and of course insurance for your new found friend. Many people decide to skip puppy insurance but this is one of the biggest and most common mistakes new owners make. It is vital to get appropriate insurance for your puppy from the day that you pick it up as this will help to financially protect you in the future if anything happens to go wrong.

Unfortunately vets rarely work like the NHS and you can end up with a hefty bill after each visit if you are not careful. Your puppy or dog may require medical attention in the future which is usually very expensive compared to the low monthly payments you can make towards insurance. A puppy is actually more prone to sickness, injury or accidents than a fully grown dog mainly because they are still growing and their immune system is not as efficient at fighting infections.

Many people often bypass puppy insurance because they associate it with a luxury buy that they will probably not need for many years however this is not always the case so to ensure that you have peace of mind it is important to take out effective insurance. By taking out puppy insurance when they are young you are likely to pay a lot less in monthly instalments compared to taking it out when they are younger as when they get older they generally have experienced more health issues. This is similar to car insurance; it you have had a car accident your insurance is likely to increase as you’re more of a risk.

There are many different companies that offer puppy insurance nowadays, from private organisations to supermarkets such as Tesco and sites that allow you to compare pet insurance. You must however not just look at the price but thoroughly read all of the guidelines. You need to be aware of what your puppy is covered for in the event you need to claim as the insurer may not pay out, always read the small print! Your vet can also offer some great advice on the appropriate home insurance that you should take out, they can explain most of the jargon and explain what cover is really important.

Do not be ignorant towards insuring your puppy, if something happens you are likely to be devastated if you cannot afford to meet the costs. By paying a small amount each month you can protect your puppy in the future and avoid hefty bills for any treatment required, leaving you more money to spoil your new bundle of joy.

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