Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Biodegradable Pet Bed

As things are getting more and more 'green,' here is another new product targeted to the green market...the price seems a bit steep to me, but let me know what you think.

Leave No Paw Print™

Companies today are working harder to be good corporate citizens, especially when it comes to the environment.

Dog Gone Smart is proud to present the world’s first-ever completely biodegradable pet bed made with all-natural and organic materials. Every component of the pet bed decomposes - even down to the zipper. These Green pet beds "Leave No (Carbon) Paw Print" on the environment.

Every year, millions of pet beds are discarded into the environment, and it can take thousands of years for these beds to completely biodegrade. Even the so-called "green beds" on the market today are mostly filled with plastic from recycled bottle tops and metal zippers that can take thousands of years to decompose.

Until now, eco-friendly pet beds have been made from recycled materials. Dog Gone Smart Pet Products is the first to design a completely natural product that is good for both your pet and the environment.

Dog Gone Smart Pet Products uses…

-All-natural materials which will completely breakdown or decompose in the appropriate composting environment within 120 days;

-Certified 100% organic natural cotton/bamboo fabric for your pet to snuggle in;
-All-natural vegetable dyes;
-All-natural, organic fill material called Kapok. Kapok is the silky natural fiber around the seed pods of the cotton tree and is known to be one of the best natural fills available today.
Kapok is a very bitter fiber that naturally repels bacteria and microbes. It is also great for pets who may suffer from allergies due to dust mites (which cannot live in the fiber). The cotton tree canopy is a very important part of the rainforest ecosystem providing habitat for monkeys, birds, and a variety of fauna and flora. It is important to note that the Kapok trees are never destroyed during the harvesting period;

-Biodegradable zippers used in the pet bed covers, are made from a mixture of corn and other plant materials. When placed in the appropriate composting environment, these zippers begin to biodegrade within 140 days, completely breaking down into water and carbon dioxide;

--Rectangle pet beds MSRP priced from $119.95 for the 24”x32”, $154.95 for the $28”x38”, and $199.95 for the 34”x46”.

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