Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Implementing Measures of Flea Control for Cats

Your feline companion may be troubled by the small creatures that have made their home in its fur and is feeding on its blood thereby causing constant itching. Your kitty may really be facing a tough time and may end up hurting itself while scratching. These fleas can easily leap over a distance of 33 cm and you can even find one or two crawling on your carpet.

The flea that usually infests cats is known as Ctenocephalides felis. It is important to keep a cautious eye on your pet and see if it is being irritated by the constant itching. You can check whether your cat has been affected by a flea infestation by using a metal comb. In case of a flea infestation, the comb will bear flea dirt or flea excreta. You can be sure of the presence of flea if you rub a damp paper towel on it. The red spots on the towel is the blood of your cat.

You need to adopt appropriate measures to ensure riddance from the fleas. There are a number of topical and oral medications available in the market as flea control for cats and dogs. Both these form of medications have been tested and have produced effective results. Amongst the topical medications available in the market, Revolution and Advantage have proved to be particularly effective in treating fleas. For those of you who do not wish to apply chemical products on your cats can go for natural flea control measures.

One of the natural ways of flea control for cats is the application of brewer’s yeast. If your cat develops a skin rash, then it is probably allergic to yeast. You can take your cat for a medicinal bath as it helps to curb the growth of fleas.

It is important to clean your house thoroughly as part of an ongoing program of flea treatment. Steam clean your carpets and wash all bedding to get rid of the flea eggs. You can also chemically treat the surroundings of your house by hiring a professional. Insist on using a product that will not harm your pet in any way.

fleas Control - Flea Control for Dogs & Cats - Natural Flea Control products

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