Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

a french cat's manners

While watching Elizabeth put an uncompromising headlock on poor Bac' while the latter was trying to eat the good squishy cat food, I thought of this French poem from the 17th century. (My lovely Elizabeth could stand some old fashioned manners. What are the chances, do you think?)

Grisette Dines

Always well behaved am I,
Never scratch and never cry;
Only touch the diner's hand,
So that he can understand
That I want a modest share
Of the good things that are there.
If he pay but scanty heed
To my little stomach's need,
I beg him with a mew polite
To give me just a single bite.
Greedy though that diner be,
He will share his meal with me.

-- by Antoinette Du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulières

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