Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

share a christmas tradition with your pets

(Remember, the Knock Knock Pet Organizer giveaway ends Dec 22 at 5 PM - look at the Dec. 12 post to leave a comment for a chance to win!)

Does your family share the Oplatki tradition from Poland? Though it is very old, I have just learned of it. Simple flour wafers are impressed with pictures of the Nativity and baked, and then right before the Christmas Eve meal, family members break off bits and pass them to each other with loving wishes and forgiveness.

Human family members get white wafers, but - and this is delightful - colored ones are made specially to share with pets, in honor of the manger animals who were among the first to greet the Child.

I wonder if there is time to order some? I think this page will help.

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