Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

pet purchasing power?

I have to admit, I do like that GEICO gecko. He's cute, his scripts are funny in a dry way, and that lower-class Brit accent does make me chuckle. Haven't changed my insurance over him, but I just might. Why do I bring that up? You'll see in a minute - but first let's explore some more pets that make you buy.

There's a great blog, Found in Mom's Basement, that gathers every vintage ad you've never seen. Here's a passel of dog themed ads. Remember Chessie, the cat who slumbered so nicely on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad? Or Morris the 9 Lives Cat, Spuds McKenzie, the Taco Bell Dog? (All those 3 here, plus the gecko.) Or - holy cow - check out this list of ad mascots, which even had the BK Fighting Chickens. (The what? Yeah, I missed them, too.)

So - seems the Gecko has muscled his way into one of the most popular recent cat-internet bits: the "talking cats." It's silly in a low-key way: take a look.

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