Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

another dog from work

This is Diego.
Diego is a Pomeranian. He is also one of the sweetest, cutest dogs I have ever met.
I bought dog biscuits for work just in case he visits.
Diego was bought from a lady at a street fair when the original customer did not show up for him. He had already been in a home where someone with big hair and someone else with a hoodie was not kind to him; he loathes hoodies and poofy hair. Yes, he IS covered in poofy hair, but it's HIS poofy hair.
I have blogged before on Pomeranians, so I won't rehash their history here. I did find a poem from The Yale University Magazine of 1917, entitled "To a Pomeranian," by R. B. Barrett:
Tamberlaine would cower at the state
Of thy magnificence and pageant pride.
Thy silly tail and mane, black-waving, prate
Of pomp and snobbery, like plumes descried
Afar, dancing upon a horrent crest.
Thy dapper spingle-legs of sable sheen
Attest dependence on a limousine.
Sure, not on dust such feet could e'er be pressed.
"Horrent" means "covered with bristles; bristling." As for spingle, no luck so far. No, I don't really dig that poem either.

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