Senin, 29 Desember 2008

the nyt takes on different petstyles

Say you live in New York City. An exciting and vibrant place, to be sure, full of opportunity -- but short on living space. Your condo or apartment absolutely won't let you have a dog or cat, but after a long day in the big city you dearly want a small friend to cherish. What do you do?

The New York Times asked that question of a few citydwellers in that boat, resulting in a piece called The UnDog and the NonCat. You'll meet Pounce, the Holland lop-eared rabbit who behaves well unless he needs to chew; Swami and Odin, two small friendly parrots; and Ajax, the chinchilla, whose nocturnal habits dovetail into the work schedule of his people.

It's good to see other pets get some face time. By the way, I decided to see what else the Times had on tap for pet articles, and did a search. Here's an article on CuteOverload (you haven't seen that already have you?). And a nice couple who test drove pet-having by getting a fish.

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