Senin, 22 Desember 2008

"life is short. eat more dried, petrified cow faces"

Such is the wisdom - and I don't think any dog would argue - of Hugs, AKA The Edgar Winter Dog. Named after the rock legend with a similar lack of pigmentation, Edgar rocks quite a bit of star attitude his own self.

I suspect he had that going on before he starred on Animal Planet's game show, Who Gets the Dog? He's now happily residing at the home of online magazine Ape Culture, where he makes with the snappy coments in his bio like so:

Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Lassie, although if I were her I'd leave Timmy in that damn well. He's nothing but trouble.

You should read it. It's sassy. Ape Culture is, too (if you're traveling this holiday you may appreciate the SkyMall Haiku). Plus, this is yet another great story about a deserving animal finding a forever home.

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