Kamis, 27 November 2008

happy thanksgiving everyone!

(Our model: the young Miss Elizabeth, dreaming of evil deeds I'm sure)

He blinks upon the hearth-rug,
and yawns in deep content,
accepting all the comforts
that Providence has sent.

Louder he purrs, and louder,
in one glad hymn of praise
for all the night's adventures,
for quiet, restful days.

Life will go on for ever,
with all that cat can wish:
warmth and the glad procession
of fish and milk and fish.

Only-the thought disturbs him-
he's noticed once or twice,
the times are somehow breeding
a nimbler race of mice.

-- "On a Cat Ageing," by Alexander Gray.

May your cats -- and dogs, and ferrets and bunnies and iguanas -- have every tasty dream come true for Thanksgiving. We here at the Museum are thankful for every one of you!

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