Sabtu, 15 November 2008

artist feature: crispypaintings

Time we had that talk
All I wanted was a cupcake. So we went to Verite/Cupcake Royale in Ballard a couple of weeks ago and got half a dozen - along with my newest art crush, Chris Pavlik.

The magic and mystery made manifest in a meditative mirage
I wrote him to say his colors were romantic, and that his work was Romantic with a capital R. Those clear, clean pigments and intermixing of nature with the heart and soul's puzzlements struck me as close to Caspar David Friedrich. (If he'd had a sense of humor. Which the Romantics rarely did.)

It's only polite to pretend not to notice

Explicit exceptions to implicit rules

I love those rabbits. I love this work.
Check out a wide variety of it at
All images copyright the artist with kindest permission.

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