Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

A Day at the Pet Expo

Whenever you see a vendor with food at a pet expo, you have to ask the obvious question – is that for pets or people? You see, the pet expo has been drawing all types of vendors, and not all are strictly pets.

The lady selling fudge was for people. The person giving out the wholesome food samples…those were for dogs. The tooth whitening booth – people; The boutique – pets; the home delivery newspapers – people…though I guess after the people are done, it could do well to serve the pets. Plus home improvements, new windows, a chiropractor and vacation destinations were all available. Though I thought the vacation people could have done better had they created pet friendly trips.

At the annaul pet expo in Hartford, CT, the usual assortment of pet vendors were there – food, health, vets, pet rescue, pet astrology, pocket pets (I really wanted the “sugar glider,” which is basically a rodent, but looked fun as heck) beds, toys, clothes and the like.

Maybe I’ve gone to too many of these, but it seemed like there were a lot of the same types of products. Plus, how do you distinguish one all natural home-made food vendor from the next one? The ones giving out the free samples tended to be the most popular. My dogs will let me know right away if they don’t like something. The event contained a good mix of local, weekend warrior type specialty vendors and the bigger store fronts. In talking to some vendors, it seemed things were slower this year. Partly the economy, partly because of other events going on in the area this time of year.

The petting zoo and the dog pool diving competition were both popular attractions. It's always good to have some distractions from the booths.

And if there is one thing I learned going to a pet expo, where animals are allowed, be sure you always look down when you walk! Don’t want to punt any little doggies, or step in something wet.

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