Senin, 21 April 2008

Polluted Pets

Are your pets polluted?

Environmental Working Group, a DC-based research and advocacy organization, just released the most comprehensive study of industrial chemicals in pets ever published. The group tested cats and dogs for 70 different chemicals, and found 48 of them -- carcinogens, neurotoxins, fire retardants, stain removing chemicals, heavy metals, the list goes on -- many at levels much higherthan have ever been found in humans.

According to the group, "lax chemical safety standards in the U.S. allow manufacturers to use chemicals without first proving they're safe, and that hurts all of us -- including the feathered, furry, and finned members of our families." You can see the entire article and report on their website

How do these chemicals get ingested by pets? According to the report, "just as children ingest pollutants in tap water, play on lawns with pesticide residues, or breathe in an array of indoor air contaminants, so do their pets. But with their compressed lifespans, developing and aging seven or more times faster than children, pets also develop health problems from exposures much more rapidly."

It is a disturbing report, especially since you never know when you're at a park or other public area what types of things are being used; and have no control of it either.

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