Kamis, 24 April 2008

Pet Social Networking Site

Calling themselves the "facebook for pet lovers" All About Pets http://www.allaboutpets.org.uk/

has been developed by The Blue Cross, Britain's Pet charity since 1897, to give pet lovers a new way to communicate, and a place where they can meet like-minded people to share experiences or advice about their pets. To date, the social network has attracted nearly 2,000 members.

All About Pets is completely free. For us in the states, their might be some reluctance as this site is UK based. But, the site offers a lot more then just networking.

According to the site, the advantage of All About Pets over other social networking sites is that it works as an authorative and reliable information directory - there is a strong emphasis on the site being used as an information resource. The Blue Cross has produced over 80l eaflets on all aspects of pet care which are available to view, print or download free from the site. Pet owners with specific problems or those with advice to share can also set up forums and social groups to discuss ideas across the entire network. Members can create profiles for themselves and their pets, upload photos or links to videos and showcase their pet's talents. They can also view other people's pets, photos and videos and even rate them.

Members can take part in discussion forums and polls on topical subjects, promote their own events or find out what is happening in their area, and get the latest in pet news.

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