Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

wildbrat gets a medal

Actually, inspires a medal. Wildbrat was the loyal dog (some sources say he was a spaniel) of Frederick II of Denmark.

Frederick II (1534-1588) reigned over a prosperous period in Denmark, but was himself apparently hotheaded and difficult enough at times to estrange himself from his people. One of these periods gave rise to his version of Denmark's oldest honor, the Order of the Elephant. Frederick was feeling deserted by his people, but remembered his dog's affection so vividly that his version of the order includes "T. I. W. B" (Treu ist Wild Brat, or "Wild Brat is Faithful"). I can't get over that name - Wild Brat. Where did that come from? I can't find out. But you may see an illustration of this order here.

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