Senin, 07 September 2009

curator on holiday: portland oregon

It's Labor Day weekend, and that means day trip. It also means "curator mails it in for Labor Day with a couple of pix from her ubiquitous cell phone cam."

Tara M (of Robin & Finchy fame) and I took off for a long-planned day trip to Portland OR, during which we successfully visited almost everything Stumptown had to offer for things to see and windows to shop. During our break for brunch at the always-delightful personal favorite the Sapphire Hotel, I looked down to get my purse -- and saw these cat footprints, pressed into the black concrete (?) floor. I suppose the floor had been poured and hadn't quite set when one of the neighbors decided to stroll in and have a look. If you'd like to visit the Sapphire Hotel and find them for yourself, they're under the front window to the right (if you are inside, facing the front door). You won't see them at night, though, I don't think, so you should have brunch.

A bit later on we were in the NW 23rd area, gearing up to go to Powell's, when one of the neighborhood cats decided to say hello. Portland's one of the top ten cat-friendly cities in the US, according to cat advocate group The Catalyst Council. You can see a local Portland news story on that here. (And hopefully the photo of Flutter is still there - we went there, too, but didn't see the shop cat.)
We had a great day.

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